04 Oct
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Learn About the Amazing Reef Restoration Program at Fitzroy Island

Ever since its establishment in 2010, Fitzroy Island Resort has been a strong supporter of the movement to protect the Great Barrier Reef and all of its inhabitants. As a matter of fact, the very first step in coral restoration development happened right here on Fitzroy Island, with the help of our friends from the Turtle Volunteers and the Cairns Dive Centre. Why the Reef Restoration Program was started The Great Barrier Reef is under threat. When corals are stressed due to the changes in their living conditions (with regards to temperature, light, and nutrients), they expel the symbiotic algae

01 Oct
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5 Great Ways to Enjoy the Sunset on Fitzroy Island

Fitzroy Island in Tropical North Queensland is famous not only for its nice warm weather all-year-round, but also for its stunning views of the sea, the land, and the sky. Especially during sunset. Believe it or not, Fitzroy Island is one of the most underrated sunset locations in all of Australia. Thanks to its majestic seascapes and landscapes (which are requirements for picturesque sundown). The best thing about it is that there’s a lot of things you can do on the island while you enjoy this magical moment. Below are only some of them. 1. Dance to the beat at

06 Sep
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School Holiday Activities for the whole family on Fitzroy Island

There’s no better place to spend the school holidays than on Fitzroy Island in the tropics! These holidays, there is going to be an incredible variety of holiday activities for our Resort guests to enjoy. There are countless free activities to try from fish feeding and treasure hunts to arts & crafts and daily face painting & ice cream! Or you might like to get your kids involved in our 3-hour programs that are perfect for ages 13+. Many of our activities are engaging for the whole family including our Turtle Rehabilitation Centre Tours, guided nature walks, educations talks and

30 Aug
Five Stunning Locations to See Turtles on the Great Barrier Reef Near Cairns Agincourt Reef
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Get to Know the Marine Life of the Reef at Fitzroy Island

The Great Barrier Reef in Tropical North Queensland is home to some of the most incredible and unique marine life in the world. Countless species of corals, fish, whales, dolphins, crustaceans, star fish and sea birds all call this incredible natural wonder home. Visitors to the Great Barrier Reef come from far and wide to see both the incredible natural structure of the Reef as well as its inhabitants. And while it’s amazing to see any of the Reef’s creatures in their natural habitat, there is one sea animal that is most requested – and that is the majestic sea

02 Aug
Why You Absolutely Must Visit Australia's Great Barrier Reef
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Why the Great Barrier Reef needs to be protected

The Great Barrier Reef is an unmissable attraction for any visitor to Tropical North Queensland in Australia. Stretching more than 2,300 kilometres along the coast of Queensland, the Reef is made up of around 3000 individual reefs, 900 islands, and around 10% of the world’s fish population. So, when we say unmissable, we mean it in more ways than one – larger than the United Kingdom, the Great Barrier Reef can even be seen from space. For many, it is best known as an unrivalled tourist destination, where you can discover the marine life in so many different ways, up